
BlazeDS compile with JDK1.4.2

you shold have already installed jdk1.4.2 and set JAVA_HOME environment variable and PATH

1. download BlazeDS src (version and unzip
2. download ANT 1.7.0 (or higher) and unzip
3. set ANT_HOME environment variable to the ant 1.7.0 location unzipped and add %ANT_HOME%\bin to the PATH environment variable
4. download ANT-contrib-1.0b2.jar and copy to the %ANT_HOME%\lib
5. download jgroups-2.5.1-jdk14.jar and copy to the [blazeds src folder]\libs
6. chdir to [blazeds src folder]
7. change source Integer.valueOf -> Integer.valueOf(String.valueOf( in modules\remoting\src\java\flex\management\remoting\messaging\services\remoting\RemotingDestinationControl.java
8. ant main

if you failed to build at stage 8 then build each target separately
ant clean
ant sdk
ant common
ant core
ant proxy
ant remoting
ant opt

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